Loading the mistery Pro

You won!

You guessed the pro player correctly in [[ attempts.length ]] attempts!

Your winstreak is [[ calculateWinstreak(puzzle.date) ]]. Come back tomorrow for a new puzzle!

[[ puzzle.solution.nickname ]]
[[ displayProTeamName(puzzle.solution) ]]
[[ player.nickname ]]
The nickname of the player Name The country of the player Country The team of the player Team The total prize money won by the player Prize Money The age of the player Age The rating of the player Rating 2.1 The number of trophies the player has won Trophies
[[ attempt.nickname ]]
[[ attempt.country.name ]] [[ attempt.country.name ]]
I've played in this team before! I'm in a higher ranked team than [[ displayProTeamName(attempt) ]] I'm in a lower ranked team than [[ displayProTeamName(attempt) ]] [[ displayProTeamName(attempt) ]]
Very close, but I've won less money I've won less money Very close, but I've won more money I've won more money $ [[ formatNumber(getPrizeMoney(attempt.hltv_id)) ]]
Very close, but I'm younger I'm younger Very close, but I'm older I'm older [[ parseInt(attempt.age) ]]
Very close, but I have a lower rating I wish I had these stats Very close, but I have a higher rating I'm so much better [[ attempt.stats['Rating 2.1'] ]]
Very close, but I have less trophies One day I'll have this many trophies Very close, but I have more trophies I have more trophies [[ attempt.trophies.trophies.breakdown.length ]]