[[ attempt.nickname ]]
Very close, but I've played less maps for my current team
I've played less maps for my current team
Very close, but I've played more maps for my current team
I've played more maps for my current team
[[ getMapsPlayedinTeam(attempt.team.id, attempt.hltv_id) ]]
Very close, but I'm younger
I'm younger
Very close, but I'm older
I'm older
[[ parseInt(attempt.age) ]]
Very close, but I have a lower rating
I wish I had these stats
Very close, but I have a higher rating
I'm so much better
[[ attempt.stats['Rating 2.1'] ]]
Very close, but I have less trophies
One day I'll have this many trophies
Very close, but I have more trophies
I have more trophies
[[ attempt.trophies.trophies.breakdown.length ]]